HAWAII DOC TALKS 2019 Workshops
Paul Anderson, ND
Alena Guggenheim, ND
Dr. Paul S Anderson is CEO of the Anderson Medical Group which includes Advanced Medical Therapies, a state of the art medical center providing fully compliant IV, Hyperbaric and Mild Hyperthermia therapies and a medical education company Consult Dr. Anderson. He brings over four decades of medical training and experience together to allow his clinical and educational presence to grow and serve patients and physicians in the best way possible. He is a well-known continuing education presenter and author in the allopathic, naturopathic, acupuncture and nursing CME arenas. His areas of specialty are in complex clinical medicine, intravenous and injection medicine, oncology and genomics. He is co-author of the Hay House book “Outside the Box Cancer Therapies” a guide for patients, families and physicians. Dr. Anderson is former Chief of IV (intravenous therapy) Services for Bastyr Oncology Research Center and a past Professor at Bastyr University where he continues to consult in research design and holds the rank of Full Professor. He is a graduate of the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon and began instructing classes at naturopathic medical schools in the early 1990’s. He is extending his medical education mission through the Anderson Medical Group CE site ‘ConsultDrA.com’ a web based educational platform.
Workshop: Sleep and Anxiety Medications; Pharmacology, interactions with natural agents and Tapering Strategies
In this session Dr. Anderson will discuss the most common classes of anxiety and sleep medications. Their pharmacology and prescribing will be contrasted with their effects on the human brain. Crossovers with nutritional substances and effective methods for tapering these medications will be discussed.
Alena Guggenheim graduated from the National College of Natural Medicine with a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM) in 2007 and completed a residency through NCNM and The Center For Natural Medicine in 2009. She began her teaching and lecturing career in 2011 and has extensive experience developing and delivering engaging curriculum. She currently teaching Advanced Rheumatology at NCNM. She has lectured for multiple state associations and conferences regarding the safe use of pharmaceuticals, ethics and rheumatology. In 2015 Dr. Guggenheim began working for the Zoom+care health care system developing and implementing integrative care models. She is currently seeing patients with immunological disease at the Zoom+care Specialist multi disciplinary clinic working in close conjunction with gastroenterology, cardiology, dermatology and primary care.
Workshop: Joint Hypermobility Syndrome, an advanced workshop
Phranq Tamburri, NMD
Emily Telfair, ND
Dr. Tamburri graduated from Penn State, Kansai Gaidai in Japan, then from SCNM followed by his residency and chief residency in 2002. Harnessing his prior surgical allopathic training, Dr. Tamburri finished his residency and integrative training with Mayo Clinic urologists in Scottsdale, Arizona. He is medical director of Prostate Second Opinions located in Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Seattle. Dr. Tamburri specializes in determining when a biopsy or eventual conventional treatment options are eventually necessary for the educated but surgically-averse naturopathic patient.
Workshop: Advances in Prostate Cancer (CaP) Risk Assesment
This 2 hour workshop will expand upon the “when to pull the conventional ripcord” talk to get ‘under the hood’ and explore the numerous methods to safely manage the prostate cancer and/or elevated PSA patient. Utilizing a very intuitive ‘green, yellow, red’ risk scale, Dr. Tamburri will teach common and more revolutionary prostate cancer lab tests and imaging guidelines. The naturopath can then often order and utilize these pragmatic tests to create a custom risk assessment protocol for their patient. In addition, a detailed yet approachable explanation of current prostate biopsy scoring will be taught so you can explain to your patient his true aggression level…a concept which seems so basic yet is frustratingly difficult for the physician and patient to often reconcile.
Emily Telfair, ND graduated from Bastyr University and now practices in Baltimore, Maryland where she supports adults and children with chronic health concerns using traditional naturopathic modalities and cranio-sacral therapy. She is past president of the Maryland Naturopathic Doctors Association and currently serves as chair of the State Alliance Committee through the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Dr. Telfair is past recipient of the AANP President’s Award for her leadership in the passage of legislation to license naturopathic doctors in Maryland. Through her own journey of practicing mindfulness and self-care, Dr. Telfair has come to appreciate the deep-acting nature of some of the simplest healing tools available to naturopathic doctors.
Workshop: On Sitting with Pain
Before determining what therapies may best address an individual’s chronic pain, as providers we need to be asking fundamental questions such as, “What am I actually treating which is presenting as pain?” and “What is my own relationship with pain and discomfort and how will that influence my treatment decisions?” The search for the “underlying cause” is fundamental to naturopathic medicine and patients will often teach us about the true cause of their pain as they reveal their personal story which may include experiences of injury or trauma. This workshop will focus on techniques to guide patients in connecting to the deeper source(s) of their chronic pain while empowering them to learn to “sit with” their pain in new ways. Practitioners will also be reminded of the vital importance of self-care, healing from personal traumas and the practice of Physician Heal Thyself as it relates to supporting individuals with chronic health conditions.